Have you found one of the “Wild in Banyule” images? This is a creative endeavour where I hope to connect the people of the north east Melbourne community with Australian animals through my imagery. I will be publicly displaying these prints of native animals in designated locations throughout the Banyule shire with the direct support from the council. There will be a combination of large decals displayed on glass windows and “paste ups” installed with permission as street art, both mediums being temporary. The concept was formed during covid restrictions and was intentionally designed to be accessible from the outside of buildings, giving the public the greatest access to the public exhibition. Both wild and captive animals have been showcased in various ways, with studio portraits being the majority of chosen images to be displayed.
Hopefully you’ve found one and that has led you here, I challenge you to go out and find them all. One of the goals of this project is to get people walking around these great neighbourhoods. Every trader has given express permission for these images to be on their walls!The images will be officially displayed until the last day of February 28/02/2021. More images will be displayed throughout the project, so keep your eye out for the images and watch this space.